Water Being Secretly Pumped and Taken from the United States to Foreign Countries?

What is wrong with this picture?

Scarcity, perceived or real, drives the value of commodities, and many people say water is the next oil. The Great Lakes consist of more than 20% of Earth’s surface fresh water, but the levels are dropping. Some streams and groundwater sources have already dried up, and a shortage of clean drinking water could prove to be one of the 21st Century’s greatest bubbles.

Now, Gov. Ventura’s investigation reveals that foreign companies are stealing water from the Great Lakes, imposing upon one of the American public’s greatest assets. Already, the scale of schemes to privatize water and make big profit on a clear necessity are astounding. The TruTV team has learned that the Nestle Corporation is one of the firms tapping this water to sell in bottled water and other products. Moreover, it has circumvented public access points to the lakes by stashing its pumps 12 miles away from the shore of Lake Michigan– in a private game preserve where no one can see them and little scrutiny is likely to arise.


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