History of Vaccination “Theory” – What Are the Real Risks?

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.  – Winston Churchill

What is the truth about the history of vaccines and the world-wide indoctrination of the thinking that vaccines cause something intended by those who administer them and those who receive them.  Is it nothing other than a placebo effect?

“For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call “physical reality.”
Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today’s world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct.
We humans are much more than we think we are and Psychoenergetic Science continues to expand the proof of it.”  – William A. Tiller


ABSTRACT:  “In 1999, Enserink1 wrote a short but very interesting article concerning how greatly the magnitude of the placebo effect in double-blind pharmacologic studies had grown in the previous 15 years.  He pointed out that “when companies started testing drugs for obsessive-compulsive disorder back in the mid-1980’s, the placebo response rate was almost zero.  As time went on, this response rate began to creep upward, up to a point where one could reasonably conclude that some clinical trials failed because of high placebo response rates.  A very recent meta-analysis of 19 antidepressant drug trials revealed that the “placebo effect” on average accounted for 75% of the effect of real drugs”.1  Although many believe that these data represent a kind of soft underbelly that both academic and industry researchers are more comfortable leaving out of sight.  Others are fascinated by the power of the placebo effect, viewing it not as a problem but as a possible source of insight into mental health.  Going even further, what is it saying about the actual laws of nature, as distinct from our metaphysical assumptions about them, and why has the magnitude of the placebo effect increased so remarkably in the last 20 years?”


READ FULL REPORT:  Human Psychophysiology, Macroscopic Information Entanglement, and the Placebo Effect  WILLIAM A. TILLER, Ph.D. [THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 12, Number 10, 2006, pp. 1015–1027  © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.]


The History of Vaccines  From MedicalVoices.org – February 17, 2010

Jennifer Craig, PhD, BSN, MA, DHom [Canada] [Host: Sherri Tenpenny, DO]

Dr. Craig will look at the history of how vaccination in the West began, from Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in 1718 to Edward Jenner’s experiments in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Medical voices from the past immediately opposing vaccination will include those of Charles Creighton MD, MB, and Walter Hadwen, M.D., who will tell us their thoughts on “cowpoxing”. The idea that cowpox pus ever prevented smallpox will be challenged with clearly defined tables to dispel any notion that smallpox was eradicated by a vaccine.

Dr. Craig holds a doctorate in medical education and a bachelor of science in nursing. Dr. Craig has held the position of associate professor at the University of British Columbia medical school. Before earning her doctorate, she was a ward sister (head nurse) in England when everyone knew who was in charge! Dr. Craig is now a writer. Her book Jabs, Jenner and Juggernauts: a Look at Vaccination was published in 2009.


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