Climate Hacking Class Action Suit

DECEMBER 2011 UPDATE:  10 NEW LAWSUITS FILED  Excerpt:  “As the U.S. delegation drags its feetat the climate talks in Durban, South Africa, this week, a pack of kids back home is trying to force the old folks into action, the American way:  They’re suing the bastards.  In May, a group of young people, led by 17-year-old Alec Loorz (founder of Kids vs. Global Warming), filed 10 lawsuits, one against the federal government and the others against individual states, to compel the government to take action on climate change.  “The generations before us … just kind of thought of the world as limitless,” said Glori Dei Filippone, 13, a plaintiff in the case who hails from Des Moines, Iowa. “My generation and the one after it are going to have to work hard to fix this mess.”

Specifically, the motion for preliminary injunction asks the federal government to prepare a national climate recovery plan by March that caps national CO2 emissions at 2011 levels and, starting in 2013, reduces them by 6 percent each year.

“There’s never been a case that’s asked the government to have a national coordinated climate recovery plan,” Olson said. “It’s really a first in terms of going to the judge and asking for something really substantive.”  The preliminary injunction hearing was scheduled for Dec. 15 in San Francisco, but it was recently transferred to Washington, D.C., due to the national significance of the case. No word yet on the date.  Atmospheric trust litigation expands on the public trust doctrine, an ancient common-law principle traditionally applied to water resources or wild land that establishes the government’s duty to protect such assets for the benefit of the public. Wood’s theory declares that the atmosphere, too, is “a fundamental natural resource necessarily entrusted to the care of our federal government … for its preservation and protection as a common property interest,” as a brief from the lawsuit puts it.  The public trust doctrine has been used in environmental law for years, but targeted at specific regulatory decisions or government agencies. By contrast, Olson explained, “if the court orders the government to create this plan, I see it as sort of an umbrella over all the climate work that’s happening right now.”

Group Aims to Pursue Lawsuit Over Geo-Engineering Related Illnesses, by Bridget Lewison The Intel Hub

GOLDEN VALLEY, Ariz. — In the wake of a number of Mohave County residents testing positive for heavy metal toxicity, a group has formed on Facebook to pursue a class-action lawsuit.

Called “Chemtrail Geo-Engineering Lawsuit,” the approximately 300-member group is seeking more members who have tested positive for heavy metals in their blood and hair follicles, and those who have had tests conducted on rainwater and soil samples.

At the time of this release, the group posted that a Bullhead City, Ariz., woman had just received test results showing the levels of barium in her blood were 28 times normal levels.

“It has become painfully apparent that our federal government, state government and environmental agencies remain unwilling to properly investigate what is going on with the health of people,” said Al DiCicco, of Golden Valley, who has been among those spearheading efforts to get answers as to why he and at least a couple dozen others have tested positive for high levels of the elements barium, aluminum, strontium and uranium.

The group discusses geo-engineering, which is a process used to manipulate the climate to counteract the effects of global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.

DiCicco also has been in contact with documentary filmmaker Michael J. Murphy, whose film “What in the World are They Spraying?” explores the phenomenon of chemtrails.

The film proposes that chemtrails are part of a geo-engineering program that uses jet planes to spray a solution into the atmosphere. The solution is said to contain barium, aluminum strontium and other elements, which are supposed to reflect sunlight and cool the planet.

“I’m in contact with people all over the world who are well aware of the reality of geo-engineering, and the harm that is being done to humans, plants, food production and animals,” DiCicco said.

Although it is admitted that geo-engineering is occurring, “there are still many who do not believe, refused to investigate, and failed to take any action whatsoever,” he said.

“We are now at the point where we have exhausted all avenues for seeking assistance. We are now prepared to file a lawsuit against all those who are involved, and all those who have responsibility and a duty, and are being paid with our tax money to investigate and stop such crimes against humanity.”

The group is seeking a law firm to represent it in a class-action lawsuit. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, the Mohave County Department of Health, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and President Obama could be among the defendants.

DiCicco said he encourages all to thoroughly investigate geo-engineering, and that anyone who is ill should insist their doctor conduct tests for heavy metal toxicity.

The Facebook group can be found at

This article also appeared in the Mohave Daily News

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